
Gugulipid is a natural by product derived from the greasy gum resin of the Guggul tree or Commiphora Mukul tree. This derived product is used as an old ayurvedic remedy in Asian countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. People have claimed this remedial product to treat various health problems. However, there are no strong scientific proofs to establish these claims. Nevertheless, people have been using it for centuries to treat certain health problems despite the unavailable medical research data. So let’s check out the health benefits of Gugulipid (GL), along with all other essential details.

Gugulipid Health Benefits


Here are some of the possible health benefits of Gugulipid as claimed by Asian people for centuries. Also, the facts regarding these claimed health benefits are provided as per the medical studies and research.



The first claimed health benefit of Guggul is its acne healing properties. In different medical studies, this ayurvedic remedy was found to be quite effective in treating nodulocystic acne. This is an acute type of acne that affects particular body areas like the chest, face, and back. In one study, the remedial effects of Gugulipid were similar to that of an acne-treating antibiotic named tetracycline. Moreover, another study showed the positive effects of this ayurvedic remedy on treating acne of patients with oily skin too. Also, the oral consumption of GL helped in curing acne problems in 6 weeks, without any harmful effects.

Weight Loss

Weight loss

Another claimed health benefit of Gugulipid is that it helps in weight loss by reducing appetite. Although there are no solid proofs, there are several animal and human studies conducted to verify this claim. In one test-tube study, it was founded that Gugulipid helps in losing weight by breaking down fats and reducing fatty tissue size. In another animal study, this ayurvedic remedy was proven helpful in managing appetite by regulating hunger hormones. Furthermore, many different studies have shown that herbal supplements containing Gugulipid are more effective in boosting weight loss.

Treating Skin Conditions

Skin Treatment

Gugulipid is also allegedly considered to be a remedy to treat various skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and inflammation. In various studies, this ayurvedic remedy showed positive results in treating itching, inflammation, and discolored skin. These studies were mostly conducted on people suffering from eczema and psoriasis. Furthermore, topical ointments with Gugulipid helped in treating swelling, redness, and pain. However, more medical research is yet to be done to confirm these benefits with certified proofs from leading medical researchers.



Many medical studies also claimed that Gugulipid could be effective in lessening the signs of osteoarthritis. In one study, the regular use of Gugulipid helped in reducing the swelling and pain in the knees of patients. Another study showed positive effects on the walking capacity of osteoarthritis patients. Furthermore, a medical study confirmed both the above-mentioned benefits without any side-effects. Thus, Guggul is certainly a noteworthy ayurvedic remedy to be tested and used in osteoarthritis treatment.



There have been claims about Gugulipid being effective in lowering down blood sugar to control diabetes. However, when medical studies were conducted, this ayurvedic remedy wasn’t found effective in regulating blood sugar levels. Nonetheless, further medical studies are yet to be performed to test its effects on diabetes in human beings.



When it comes to thyroid disorders, women are more commonly affected than men. As we all know, hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce sufficient thyroid hormones. In several medical studies, Gugulipid was tested on animals to see how it works against hypothyroidism. Surprisingly, this ayurvedic remedy showed positive effects by improving the iodine uptake and the movement of thyroid glands’ enzymes.

Furthermore, one human study involving the use of an ayurvedic remedy with Gugulipid as an ingredient also showed positive results. The patients who took this treatment experienced lesser weakness, tiredness, and muscle pain. However, more clinical trials on humans are still pending to substantiate their commercial use.



Hyperlipidemia is a condition in which the cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels of a person increase extremely. In an animal study, Gugulipid was found to be effective in lowering LDL levels and triglyceride levels. However, human trials to confirm the effects of Gugulipid on Hyperlipidemia are yet to be performed. Well, some studies claim the positive effects of this ayurvedic remedy on cholesterol, and vice versa.

Possible Side-Effects Of Gugulipid

When taken in a low dosage or as prescribed by a medical professional, Guggul is safe for use. However, here are some of the possible side-effects of Gugulipid that you must know about.

  • Skin Rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Hiccups
  • Mild Sickness
  • Disturbed Menstruation Cycles
  • Liver Damage (High Dosage of Gugulipid)

The Takeaway!

So this was everything you need to know about Gugulipid and its health benefits. However, we highly recommend you to consult a medical professional before you start using this ayurvedic product. This will not only help in preventing side-effects but also help in your treatment. Also, eat a nutrient-dense diet and exercise regularly to keep your body healthy, both physically and mentally.

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