
Everyone in the world has a specific body type and shape. There are three main body types i.e. Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. Ectomorphs are the skinny ones, Endomorphs are the obese ones, and Mesomorphs are the in-between ones i.e. neither skinny nor obese. Apart from these, there are different body shapes like rectangle, pear, apple, and hourglass. The most desired shape by women is the hourglass body shape. Thus, women are always looking for the best ways to get their dream physique. To help you better, here are some of the best expert-recommended exercises & diet to get an hourglass figure.

An hourglass body shape refers to the one with a bigger bust and butt area, along with a slim waist. Various Hollywood movie actresses have this body shape like Jennifer Lopez, Scarlett Johansson, Beyonce, and Blake Lively, etc. Thus, it is quite clear why most women around the world crave for this body figure type.

Top Diet Tips Get An Hourglass Figure

Diet Tips

For quick and best results, you will need a perfect combination of an hourglass figure diet and workout plan. Before checking the exercises, let’s know how to get an hourglass figure with diet first.

Eat More Proteins


Protein is one of the most essential macro-nutrients for weight loss and various other health benefits. Firstly, protein-rich foods help in keeping your stomach full for longer. Thus, you end up eating lesser calories throughout the day. Secondly, protein is medically proven to boost the muscle development process. Hence, you can easily get into the desired body shape by including protein-filled foods in your hourglass figure diet. Some of the best protein-filled foods include eggs, salmon, meat, tofu, legumes, nuts, milk, and poultry, etc.

Eat More Dietary Fiber

Eat More Dietary Fiber

Dietary viscous fiber is not only medically proven to boost weight loss but also several other health benefits too. Firstly, viscous fiber provides you with a feeling of fullness for a long time. Secondly, viscous fiber helps in suppressing hunger by getting digested and metabolized slowly. Hence, you consume lesser high-calorie foods that are fried, processed, or preserved. This way you can lose weight quickly to get into the perfect hourglass shape. Some examples of foods with viscous fiber include legumes, oats, beans, avocados, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and flax seeds, etc.

Cut Down Sugar & Artificially Sweetened Foods

Cut Down Sugar & Artificially Sweetened Foods

Sugar is undoubtedly the biggest reason behind obesity around the world. Apart from this, too much sugar intake can lead to health problems like diabetes, heart disorders, and metabolic disorders. Thus, it is very important to avoid sugary foods and artificially sweetened beverages. Instead, try consuming detox water, green tea, or herbal tea for building the perfect hourglass body.

Divide Your Meals

Divide Your Meals

To make your hourglass figure diet plan more effective, try dividing your meals into smaller ones. This means that if you eat three full meals daily, divide them into 6 half meals throughout the day. Firstly, it will allow your digestive system to work efficiently rather than getting overloaded all at once. Secondly, this will prevent you from eating high-calorie foods or snacks from outside. Thus, your get-into-shape plan will be accelerated greatly.



Probiotics are very helpful in improving the digestive system’s working. By taking probiotics, you will be able to avoid digestion problems that cause weight gain. Thus, it is recommended to take good quality probiotics after meals for a healthy gut.

Avoid Caffeine & Alcoholic Drinks

Several medical studies have linked alcohol consumption with obesity. Apart from this, caffeine is also various health issues like metabolic problems, high BP, insomnia, and migraines. Thus, these can easily make you obese and prevent you from getting into shape. So it is highly advised to exclude caffeine and alcoholic drinks from your diet for an hourglass figure.

Best Exercises To Get An Hourglass Figure

To get an hourglass figure, you need to focus on building your glutes and upper body, while reducing waist-fat. Here are some of the most amazing hourglass body workouts for you to do regularly. The first 3 exercises will tone your buttocks & thighs. The next 3 will build your bust area and shoulders. The last 3 will help you to tighten your core for a slim and sexy waist.

Alternating Curtsy Lunges With Bicep Curls

This is a great hourglass workout that works on most of the body muscles. The targeted muscles of this exercise include hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulders, glutes, back, and biceps.

Alternating Curtsy Biceo

Steps To Do Alternating Curtsy Lunges With Bicep Curls

  • Stand straight with both feet apart at a shoulder-width and hold one dumbbell in each hand.
  • Now you need to extend your left leg backward and place your left foot behind your right foot. While doing so, you need to bend your right knee and lower your body as if you’re showing courtesy.
  • Also, you need to do a bicep curls exercise with both your arms, every time you lower down your body.
  • Repeat these steps 20-30 times on each leg per set.

Back Leg Elevated Lunges With Dumbbells

Back Leg Elevated Lunges with Dumbbells is one of the most effective hourglass body workouts for you. The main targeted muscles of this exercise include glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and back.

Back Leg Elevated Lunge

Steps To Do Back Leg Elevated Lunges With Dumbbells

  • Stand straight with both feet apart at a shoulder-width distance and a sturdy gym bench behind you.
  • Now extend your right leg backward and place it on the gym bench. Also, hold one dumbbell in each hand on your sides.
  • Then, you need to lower down your body by bending both the knees to do a lunge.
  • After 15-20 reps, switch legs and do the same steps.
  • Do 2-3 sets of this exercise on each leg.

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Barbell Hip Thrusts is one of the best hourglass exercises that target your lower body. The main muscles worked by this exercise include glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.


Barbell Hip Thrusts

Steps To Do Barbell Hip Thrusts

  • Sit straight on a gym bench with a barbell rod on your upper thighs.
  • Now firmly grip the barbell rod with both hands and slide your body down. Stop when your knees are at a right angle and your upper back is on the gym bench.
  • When your head, back, and thighs come in a straight line, lower your hips towards the floor with a barbell rod.
  • After reaching the lowest point, thrust your hips back up to return to the initial position.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.

Alternating Dumbbell Press

Alternating Dumbbell Press is one of the best exercises to get an hourglass figure & build your upper body. The main target areas of this exercise include the chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, and back.

Alternate Dumbbell press

Steps To Do Alternating Dumbbell Press

  • Lie down a gym bench and hold one dumbbell in each hand near your chest area.
  • Now you need to extend your right arm straight to raise the dumbbell.
  • After that, return the right hand to the initial position by bending your elbow. While doing so, extend the left arm to raise the dumbbell.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times with each arm per set.

Renegade Row

Renegade Row is one of the best upper body exercises for strengthening and building muscles. The main areas worked by this exercise include back, biceps, shoulders, abdominals, and triceps.

Renegade Row

Steps To Do Renegade Row

  • Get down into extended arms plank position while holding one dumbbell in each hand.
  • Now you need to do a pushup and return back to the initial position.
  • Immediately after that, bend your right elbow to raise the dumbbell towards the right side of your chest.
  • Then bring the right arm to the initial position and perform the 3rd step with left arm on the left side. Start over with the pushups and keep doing the steps continuously in sequence.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times with each arm per set.

Gym Bench Dumbbell Pullover

Gym Bench Dumbbell Pullover is surely one of the most recommended exercises for an hourglass figure. The main areas worked by this amazing workout include core, back, chest, lats, shoulders, and triceps.

Dumbbell Press Over

Steps To Do Gym Bench Dumbbell Pullover

  • Sit straight in the center of a gym bench and hold a dumbbell with both your hands.
  • Now slide down until your knees are at a right angle with your thighs. Stop when your upper back is on the bench and your thighs, back, and head are in a straight line.
  • After that, lift the dumbbell from your chest straight up by extending your arms.
  • Then, slowly bring the dumbbell over your head and lower it as low as possible. After reaching the lowest point, bring it back to the initial position.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times per set.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers are certainly one of the best exercises for an hourglass figure. This amazing full-body workouts target your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, chest, abs, core, hips, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

Mountain Climbers

Steps To Do Mountain Climbers

  • Get down into extended arms plank position i.e. head, neck, back, buttocks, and knees in a straight line.
  • Now you need to lift and drag your right knee towards your chest and return it to the initial position.
  • Immediately after that, lift and pull the left knee towards your chest.
  • Keep doing these steps continuously for 15-20 times with each leg per set.

Russian Twists With Dumbbell

Russian Twists With Dumbbell is another amazing exercise to get an hourglass figure and a slim waist. The main target areas of this exercise include obliques, back, abs, hips, and lats.

Russian Twist

Steps To Do Russian Twists With Dumbbell

  • Sit down straight on the floor and hold a dumbbell near your core with both hands.
  • Now slowly bend your upper body a little backward. Also, bend your knees to bring them towards your core by lifting your feet off the floor.
  • After that, bend your torso towards your right side and touch the dumbbell on the floor.
  • Do the same steps on your left side and make sure not to touch the feet on the floor.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times on each side per set.

Windshield Wipers

Windshield Wipers is one of the best core workouts to get an hourglass figure. This exercise targets your obliques, abs, hips, and glutes.

Knee Drops

Steps To Do Windshield Wipers

  • Lie down on the floor on your back and form a ‘T’ shape by extending your arms sideways.
  • Bend your knees with an exercise ball between them.
  • Now lift your feet off the ground until your shin bone is parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly lower your knees to the right side to touch them on the floor. Return them to the initial position and do the same steps on the left side.
  • Repeat these steps 15-20 times on each side per set.

That’s A Wrap!

So these were the best expert-recommended exercises and diet tips on how to get an hourglass body figure. By doing these workouts regularly, you can easily get into your desired body shape easily. For the best diet tips, it is highly recommended that you contact a licensed dietician first.

If you’ve any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate to write in the comments section below or contact us through email.

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