Sculpt & Tone Your Inner Thighs Quickly
By Forever Sr. Writer
Proven Exercises To Sculpt & Tone Your Inner Thighs Quickly
While a specific amount of body fat is essential for protecting the muscles, organs & bones, yet too much fat accumulation can lead to health issues. When our caloric intake exceeds the number of calories that our body can burn, it leads to obesity. In women, fat accumulation is common in body areas like thighs (both inner & outer), hips and lower belly. In men, fat accumulation is most common in the abdominal and thigh areas.

Inner thigh fat can be embarrassing for people, especially women. The reason is that it makes their legs look fat and prevent them from wearing certain types of dresses. Getting rid of bulky thighs is not an easy task as it requires a lot of intense workout for a long time. However, it’s not impossible. With the right exercises & diet plan, you can eventually get the perfectly sculpted and toned inner thighs.
Best Exercises For Losing Inner Thighs Fat
Here are some of the top inner thighs exercises to help you get rid of the stubborn, bulky inner thighs.
Burpees are one of the best exercises to reduce your body fat, especially from the thighs & abdomen area. It is an intense workout & you might take some time to get used to it. If done the right way, Burpees can not only help in burning unnecessary fat but also in building muscles and body strength.

Here’s how you can do burpees the right way.
- Get into a squat position with both hands touching the ground, in-between your feet.
- Then, you need to kick back your both legs and form a plank position with a completely straight body.
- After that, you need to get back into the squat position & immediately jump with both arms up in the air.
- You need to land back in the starting position and repeat the steps 10-20 times.
Curtsy Lunges
Curtsy lunges are an excellent workout to tone your thighs and hips. Thus, these help in the improvement of your complete body posture. But you need to do curtsy lunge the right way to get the desired results.

Here are the steps to correctly do curtsy lunges.
- Firstly, you need to stand straight with your both feet shoulder-width apart.
- Then, you have to bend down by placing your right leg behind the left one and stretching it until your body is in a curtsy position.
- After that, you need to bring your right foot back at the beginning position by lifting your body back up.
- Repeat these steps 15-20 times by switching both legs.
- To make this even more effective, you can hold dumbbells in both hands while doing it.
Cossack Squats
Cossack squats are a very effective workout for toning your lower body, especially the glute muscles & inner thighs to lose thigh fat quickly.

Here are the steps to do Cossack Squats.
- Stand straight with your legs spread more than the width of your shoulders.
- Then, you need to squat (as deep as possible) on the right side by shifting weight on the slightly-bent left leg.
- Return to the initial position and switch legs to squat again.
- Repeat this 20-30 times.
Also, make sure to keep your upper body straight while squatting.
Frog Jumps
The name “frog jumps” clearly states that this exercise involves jumping similarly to a frog. While, people might think that this is an effortless exercise, but it is quite an intense exercise. By doing this regularly and correctly, you can easily burn your inner thigh fat and tone them into the perfect shape. Also, this workout routine helps in building your quadriceps, glute muscles, and hip flexors.

How to do frog jumps?
- Firstly, you need to stand straight with your feet distanced broader than your shoulders.
- Then, you need to squat down and place your hands on the floor, in-between your feet.
- After that, you need to jump ahead like a frog and land in the squat position.
- Repeat this 10-15 times per set.
Jumping Jacks
This is one of the best full-body workouts to burn unnecessary fat from your whole body. By doing Jumping Jacks the right way, you can easily tone your thighs, upper body & legs into the perfect shape. Also, this exercise helps in strengthening muscles, bones and circulatory organs.

Here’s the correct way to do Jumping Jacks.
- Stand straight with both feet together & both your arms at sides, forming a straight line with your shoulders.
- Then, you need to jump & open your legs wide. At the same time, you need to clap with both hands above your head.
- After that, you need to jump back to the initial position.
- Repeat this 15-20 times per set.
Sumo Squats
This is a really good workout to build your inner thighs muscles and also, burn the unnecessary fat. By doing this exercise regularly, you can also strengthen your hamstring muscles, core, glute muscles, calf muscles, and lower back.

How to do Sumo Squats?
- Firstly, widen your legs more than the width of your shoulders while keeping your upper body straight.
- Then, you need to lift your feet on your toes at a 45° angle.
- After that, you need to squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Hold this position for 1-2 seconds and then go back to the initial position.
- Repeat this 15-20 times per set.
- You can also hold a kettle-bell near your chest while doing sumo squats to get faster results.
Glute Kickback
This is another great exercise to burn down the unnecessary fat from your inner thighs. Glute Kickbacks also help in strengthening your arms & core area.

Here are the steps to do Glute Kickbacks.
- Get down on your arms & legs, in such a way that your back is parallel to the ground.
- Then, you need to lift your right leg (backward) towards the ceiling and hold it for a few seconds.
- After that, switch legs and repeat the same steps.
- Do this for 15-20 times per set.
Cross & Sweeping Mountain Climbers
These are both a variation of the standard mountain climbers, focused upon elimination of inner thigh fat. Also, both these exercises prove helpful in strengthening arms, bones, abdominal & core area.

How to do it?
- First, you need to lie down in the standard plank position with a straight body.
- For Cross Mountain Climbers, you need to lift your right knee towards the right side of your chest & vice-versa.
- For Sweeping Mountain Climbers, you need to place two towels under each foot. After that, you need to slow sweep up the towel by bringing your right knee under your chest & vice-versa.
- Repeat these steps 10-15 times per set.
Side-Lying Double Leg-Lifts
This is an amazingly intense workout for toning your inner thighs by burning the unnecessary fat. By doing this exercise regularly, you can also strengthen your hamstring muscles, calf muscles, core area, and abdomen area.

How to do Side-Lying Double Leg-Lifts?
- Firstly, you need to lie down straight on the right side of the body.
- Place your right hand under your head to support it.
- Then, slowly lift your legs towards the ceiling (as high as possible) while keeping your toes pointed outwards.
- Hold in the position for 2-3 seconds and relax back to the initial position.
- Do this for 10-15 times on each side.
That’s a wrap!
If you want to lose stubborn inner thighs fat quickly, then you need to do these top 9 exercises daily. These exercises will not only tone your thighs into the perfect shape but also improve your body’s overall fitness.