
Humans are believed to be the most interactive, intelligent and instinctive species on the planet. As with all living beings, humans have the tendency to overlook things especially when it comes to health.

Finding it hard to believe? Let’s take the assistance of some day to day scenarios

What do we blame when we find ourselves fatigued on a normal day? Probably our daily routine or our bad eating habit.

Whom do we blame when we get cold or cough again and again during winters? Probably our immune system or our body’s fighting soldiers i.e. white blood cells.

And what do we blame when we put on weight or simply aren’t able to remain active during the day. Probably our muscle strength or mind.

But what if we tell you that all of these are related to the health of a single organ in our body that we often ignore? The mention here is about Heart-the lifeline of our body.

Our heart beats more than one lakh times per day and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood daily. This organ, whose rhythmic beating is controlled by the natural electric cardiac condition system is believed to be active even after being disconnected from our body. And to our much more amazement, the heart blood vessels measure about 60,000 miles if put in a straight line. That’s as much as twice the equator of the earth.

Needless to say, this hard-working organ always requires attention. And without further ado, let’s discuss different heart diseases. As we dwell deeper into the realms of the cardiac world, we will tell you different symptoms, causes, and treatments related to heart diseases.



Starting with a disease about which not so much is known, we would like to drive your attention towards angina. These heart disease symptoms, often confused with a heart attack include the experience of discomfort or pain. The cause of this pain is your heart not getting enough oxygen and nutrients. This may be due to narrowing of your arteries or muscle spasms in specific coronary arteries.

The main cause of Angina relates to smoking, living in cold temperatures, displaying strong emotions and other several environmental factors. It should be noted that Angina is different from a heart attack as it does not cause heart failure. To the most, it causes severe heart pain in certain patients.

Angina usually occurs when our heart suffers from atherosclerosis in which spasm movement occurs in our coronary artery spasm. Heart disease symptoms might differ for different individuals. The pain usually occurs when the heart is working more than usual. However, in certain cases, pain occurs even when the patient is resting.

Angina can be cured by medical treatment. If you face this issue, there are certain steps you can take to ensure you’re well being:

  • When you experience pain in heart, stop your activity and relax while sitting or lying own
  • Utilize a nitroglycerin tablet or use NTG spray as advised by a licensed physician
  • Always take note of the pain and notify the same to your doctor
  • If the problem persists for more than 15 minutes, you should call your doctor or get emergency medical help

Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease

Our heart works continuously at all times of the day. Hence, it is natural for it to get weak with time and age. Resultantly, a person can suffer from coronary artery disease. In this syndrome, heart muscles are not able to get enough oxygen and blood supply. This may be due to a blockage in your coronary arteries. Sudden death has been observed as the most serious effect of this disease making it deadly. While not common, such cases usually occur in patients who have already suffered from heart attacks or other heart damages.


Major symptoms of this disease include chest pain, tightness, burning sensation, squeezing and heaviness in the chest. The coronary artery disease treatment methods include taking precautions such as reducing tobacco intake or smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, losing weight to attain a healthy level, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. While there are treatments available once you are diagnosed with the disease, taking precautions by following above-mentioned heart diseases prevention tips can help eradicate the heart issues before they become prominent.

Some medical coronary artery disease treatment includes balloon angioplasty, bypass coronary artery surgery, and enhanced counterpulsation.

Myocardial Infarction


Well, don’t be alarmed with the name as the disease is also known as a heart attack in common language. A heart attack happens when a part of the muscle attached to the heart becomes nonfunctional or simply dies. This causes blockage of the blood flow in huge severity. Medical specialists believe that if the blockage or damage is minute, the oxygen, nutrients, and blood can be retrieved. This signifies the fact that a person facing heart disease symptoms identical to heart attack should get medical help as soon as possible.

Various heart disease symptoms include rapid heart beating, profuse sweating, shortness in breathing, pressure or heavy feeling in the chest area, fainting, weakness and nausea or vomiting.

Heart failure

Heart failure

This heart issue occurs when the heart is not able to pump enough blood to meet our body’s needs. We know that oxygen and blood are required in every part of our body and this responsible job is carried out by the heart. We often face a myth where we believe that heart failure simply means a person is about to die. This, however, is not true. Heart failure signifies that heart is not squeezing enough blood or is not working to its complete efficiency.

Various underlying causes of heart failure include diabetes, coronary artery disease, and heart defect present genetically from birth, increased blood pressure, lung disease and diseases like cardiomyopathies.

There is various cardiovascular disease risk assessment that can be carried out to prevent any type of heart failure chances. These include visiting your medical practitioner regularly and getting all tests related to heart and heart diseases. The assessment tests include measuring different factors such as cholesterol levels, triglycerides, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, previous medical history and smoking habits, etc.


As you can realize, the diseases related to heart are severe and poses a major threat to our overall body metabolism. The heart is not just another organ, but the control center of our body. All our organs, our brain, liver, stomach, eyes, and even our skin receive blood and oxygen pumped by blood. It always makes sense to get our heart checked through related tests no priority basis. Ignoring an organ as important as heart will lead to major issues that might become difficult to handle later. So, stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy with a happy and healthy heart.

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